The annual EGCT conference

Before Corona, the joint EGCT churches came together once a year for the highlight of the church year: THE ANNUAL conference! One week together listening, praising, meeting, being built up together...what a blessing!
But in recent years, large gatherings have not been possible. So also this year the conference was split into 4 mini-conferences...spread over 4 weeks. The first week the young people met on Friday and Saturday, the second week the women, then the men and finally the children.
The theme this year was: 'being the church' ...6 lectures on how we form a Body together, how we are called together to be 'salt' and 'light'. How important it is to be an official member of the church, and who are rightful members of Christ's church? And finally why is 'church discipline' important for the congregation. It was a good conference with very necessary topics. Since the start of the EGCT, in the 90's, the EGCT churches never had official membership lists for each congregation...Yes, new believers were baptised....But in addition, visitors who attended the services for a long time...gradually were considered part of the church. However, some of these visitors never became true disciples of Christ.
It was good for all of us to be reminded that true members are those who realised they are sinners, fled to Christ for Salvation, were baptised and strive to imitate and follow Him in their daily lives. Please pray for fruit on these messages and that the EGCT churches will increasingly become bright shining lights!
Alexandre preached at the young people's, men’s and women’s meetings. I attended the women's meetings and organised 2 days with the children. The children heard about Jesus who is the Truth, the Way and the Life, and the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
These women, especially this time of harvest, work tremendously hard. So when there was an hour-and-a-half break in the programme: