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Why he did not believe...

IMG_20240614_110139.jpg14 Jun Just now I had a chat with the lady who regularly sews clothes for us. I had been waiting for a skirt for quite some time and dropped by to ask if she had finished it. Not yet...she had been away ... full story

A day in our live...

IMG_20231216_131127.jpg09 Feb It is high time to write a post on our website! I have decided to share what a day in our lives can look like:   The day started early, Neline and Niek go to school at 7am. After quiet time and ... full story

The importance of good books

Screenshot_2023-12-13-09-23-10-92_92460851df6f172a4592fca41cc2d2e6.jpg13 Dec It is without doubt: good books, besides the Bible, are a huge blessing and very important! Our church here in Togo is actually a good example of this. In the 1990s, 'Europresse' organised ... full story

On furlough!

Screenshot_2023-11-01-20-31-22-52_680d03679600f7af0b4c700c6b270fe7.jpg08 Nov We are very grateful that we were able to buy tickets for our furlough, DV summer 2024! From 22 June to 13 September, we hope to be in Europe! We look forward to meeting many of you in person! We ... full story

Helping our neighbour!

IMG_20231107_094350.jpg07 Nov Back in February we heard the news that our neighbour who lives opposite of us, fell through a roof and suffered a spinal cord injury! A dramatic event for a family that, even without health ... full story

a Pastors conference in Lome

IMG20231010202218.jpg15 Oct From the10th to the 12th October a pastors' conference was held in Lome. Alexandre had been asked by the organisers to give a workshop and participate in a panel discussion. This conference made ... full story

Safely home from Israël!

IMG-20231003-WA0007 (1)c.jpg09 Oct Friday evening, 6 October around 6pm, Alexandre arrived safely back in Atakpame. He had been asked by the president of 'la ligue des pasteurs d'Atakpame' to replace him on a tour of Israël. A ... full story

Video: annual EGCT conference

IMG20230823121418.jpg29 Aug What a blessing it was for the EGCT churches to finally meet again for their annuel conference, after COVID! full story

Our most important 'mission field'

20210802_080213.jpg16 May All parents reading this will recognise this: the desire that our Lord Jesus Christ will also be the personal Lord and Saviour of our children! That their lives will bear fruit to His glory! ... full story

A visit to Holland and a visitor in Togo

IMG-20230326-WA0008.jpg07 Apr How nice it was to be in the Netherlands for a while! What a blessing to be able to see your family for a short while and catch up 'live' with friends!   It was a privilege to share something ... full story

Update on the Building Project

Screenshot_20230214-100255_Chrome.jpg18 Mar 8 Months ago, we made a video explaining the need for a new building for the EGCT's Bible Institute. We look back with gratitude that subsequently we were able to buy a good piece of land. See ... full story

A 00.05 am New Years' communion service!

Screenshot_20230102-085747_Chrome.jpg01 Jan It is tradition in EGCT churches to come together as a congregation at the turn of the year. Each congregation comes together around 9pm New Year's Eve until 1 or 2 am in the New Year, to sing, ... full story

Evangelism in Maromi

20221229_191633.jpg31 Dec Maromi was once a small village outside Atakpamé but it has now become a suburb of Atakpamé. It is a rapidly developing area with many new buildings and is also near the site where the new Bible ... full story

The needs around us...

20221227_081856 (2).jpg24 Nov Togo is among the 20 poorest countries in the world....and many people around us live in poverty! At times, families who just manage to make ends meet, plunge into very difficult situations, for ... full story

a plot of land purchased!

20220922_181520 (1).jpg04 Oct After COVID the EGCT Bible Institute courses were re-started in a small temporary building which is unsuitable for the longer term! A few months ago we made a short video about the Bible Institute... full story

The Bible Institute

20220914_124250.jpg21 Sep Finally, (after a 2-year break due to Covid) the EGCT's Bible Institute has restarted. For the first few years, the Institute was an evening course and the elders went through a number of ... full story


20220903_121942.jpg03 Sep Finally, the traditional 'Odon-Itsu' festival, 'the feast of the Njams' could take place again today in Atakpame! This used to be a purely animist festival during which the spirits and ancestors ... full story

Visitors from the UK and Holland!

20220522_120002 (2).jpg01 Sep We look back with gratefulness when we think of everyone who came to visit us, over the summer months. From the UK we welcomed William Brown, from UFM. What a blessing it is to be able share about... full story

Alexandre's International contacts....

IMG-20221001-WA0000.jpg30 Aug While studying in Brussels, Alexandre came into contact with a whole network of contacts within the French-speaking christian world. In recent months, these contacts have prompted a lot of ... full story

The annual EGCT conference

20220825_154439.jpg27 Aug Before Corona, the joint EGCT churches came together once a year for the highlight of the church year: THE ANNUAL conference! One week together listening, praising, meeting, being built up ... full story
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