Prayer points

For your prayers:

We ask your prayers for the following:

  • Alexandre's visum for the UK was refused! We managed to re-apply and book an appointment in the Netherlands, please pray that he will receive his visa in time for us to travel together!
  • For the Bible Institute, we ask you to pray for the students and their teachers: that the Holy Spirit will work both in all the preparations and during the classes. Pray also for the perseverance of the students.
  • Please pray for all the final preparations for our furlough!
  • Please pray for God to bless our fundraising efforts for our building project, that we will go about it in a spirit of dependence on and trust in Him

For praise:

We praise God:

  • For Gods provision for accomodation for the full period of our upcoming furlough and for His faithfulness to us over the past three years!
  • We are also grateful for the many invitations we received from churches where we can share about our ministry in Togo and our building project.
  • For our opposite neighbour Koffi. For his beaming face every time we see him. That although he is still adjusting to a life in a wheelchair, he is obviously not depressed. We are also grateful that he has started going to the church that is next door to his house!
  • That after many weeks withour water, we received water yesterday!

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