The Bible Institute

Finally, (after a 2-year break due to Covid) the EGCT's Bible Institute has restarted. For the first few years, the Institute was an evening course and the elders went through a number of theological books with the students. At the end of each academic year, the students were given an exam and they also preached several times after which they received feedback from the elders. The training lasted for three years.
Since then, a lot has changed, First of all, the theology study Alexandre took in Brussels was a huge eye-opener, and Alexandre realises that a huge amount more needs to be covered before students can really take on the role of pastor, preaching elder or church-planter. Fortunately, besides Alexandre, there are 3 other EGCT elders who will be teaching modules. Over the past few months, Alexandre has been going through the new way of teaching the material with them. The students will have to do more reading, research and assignments on their own in addition to the evening classes.
A few months ago, the Insitute was added to the list of recognised West African theological institutes. To remain on this list, the Institute will have to meet a minimum number of taught modules and students will have to study a minimum number of hours on each module. Would you please pray so that the Bible Institute really changes from a 'not officially recognised' to an accredited course where students can come and study and possibly continue their studies in Lomé or elsewhere at the end? This will definitely lead to attracting more students in the future!
Besides these 'Academic' requirements, there are other, even more important things, for which we ask your prayers. Ultimately, the most important thing is not the level of theological education, but that students who come to study are themselves transformed by the Gospel! That they come to know the living God better and that the Holy Spirit breathes life into what they learn in their lives, their sermons and in all their actions!....
So we ask you to pray for our Bible Institute!