Financial oversight and transparancy

Financial oversight and transparancy
For our small church in Togo, the Tyrannus construction project is a very big project! It is very important for the church to be able to be transparent and for all its construction expenditure to be recorded and accounted for.
We are therefore grateful for the ‘building committee’ set up in the Netherlands, which will have oversight and act as a sounding board during the construction of the project. The committee includes businessmen, donors and people with experience in the supervision of international construction projects. An official construction and financing agreement was signed between this committee/ the NGW missionary organisation managing the projects account in NL and the EGCT.
We were also helped here in Togo by friends from France who developed a good Excel file to keep track of all expenses.
Last week, we had the first zoom meeting between the Dutch and those who are overseeing the construction here in Togo: the architect Mr Bagoudou; Faustin, Alexandre's brother (both are also elders in the EGCT congregation in Lomé) and Wiyaho, who is the final person in charge at the construction site. We are very grateful for the cooperation from the Netherlands and the good collaboration with the builders here in Togo!
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De 3D beelden!
We zijn dankbaar dat de 3D tekeningen gearriveerd zijn! Onze visie wordt opeens zichtbaar! Het is duidelijk dat dit een project is wat niet in één jaar gerealiseerd zal zijn! We hopen binnenkort te kunnen beginnen met de bouw van de conferentie ruimte. Het Bijbel Instituut zal verhuizen naar de nieuwe lokatie zodra deze ruimte klaar is. Vervolgens gaan we beginnen, D.V. aan de fondsenwerving voor fase twee en voor de printingpress. Binnenkort hopen we meer informatie op deze website te zetten...